Midwinter Cleanup

Temperatures in the high 60s! The gardening bug strikes. What to do?

There are some seeds to be started indoors: onions, parsley and basil for indoor use, violas, sweet peas, and any chile that needs a loooong season to produce, like Chiltepin. This Sonoran desert native, also known as bird pepper, forms an airy 2′ tall profile with little round fruits that are hot, hot, hot. But addictive. One little chile in your salsa and boom! Or crush and sprinkle over vanilla ice cream, which tames the heat a little bit. I have to start these very early, plant them in a spot that gets a lot of reflected heat, and hope that it’s not too rainy. I usually get a handful of chiles from a plant, but every year I hope to do better.


Outside, the hellebores need trimming. Last year’s leaves have served as an insulating blanket, but they do nothing for this year’s looks. Cutting close to the emerging buds will let the flowers show in all their glory. Wish this warm weather, they should be opening soon.


Author: ClaytoniaSpeaks

Gardening enthusiastically in the western burbs of Chicagoland. Former owner of Fraser Landscapes. I love to share the joys of vegetable and perennial gardening with children and adults. Facilitating the Garden at Congregation Beth Shalom in Naperville IL.

2 thoughts on “Midwinter Cleanup”

  1. I think I need to plant some hellebores in a location that get some winter sun. Mine are in “always” shade, and bloom so late I’m already too busy gardening to notice. Think I’ll go scout out some likely locations. Peppers and ice cream sounds intriguing!


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